Accelerators Laboratory

Multidisciplinary research using charged particle beams


Catalin M. Ticoş, PhD, Head of the laboratory

Catalin Ticos  is a senior scientist and the head of the Accelerators Laboratory at INFLPR. His research interests are in plasma physics, the generation and use of charged particle beams including charged dust particles and nonlinear dynamics of diode lasers. He graduated from the University of Bucharest with a B.S. in physics in 1995 and a M.S. in 1996. He then went to the US to obtain his PhD in physics in 2002 from the University of Miami, Florida for a thesis about the control and synchronization of chaos in gas discharges. As a postdoctoral researcher he did research in plasma physics for two years at the University of Oxford in UK and for three years at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. CV   Publications






Monica Nemţanu, PhD, Senior Scientific Researcher, 1st degree

Monica R. Nemţanu graduated with B.Sc. in Chemistry with specialization in Food Chemistry (2001) and M.Sc. in Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics (2002) from “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Romania. She received PhD in Engineering Sciences – Chemical Engineering (2010) from “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania. She is currently a Senior Researcher (1st rank) at the Electron Accelerators Laboratory of the National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucharest, Romania, working on interaction of accelerated electrons and/or microwaves with complex materials and biological structures. Her main scientific interests are the interaction of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation with biomacromolecule and new technologies to treat and modify biopolymers, characterization of biopolymer functional properties using rheology, spectrophotometry, spectrophoto-colorimetry, infrared spectroscopy, and gel permeation chromatography, as well as the non-conventional techniques for microbial decontamination of agri-foodstuff, medicinal herbs, and phytotherapeutic products. CV   Publications

Mirela Braşoveanu, PhD, Senior Scientific Researcher, 3nd degree

Mirela Braşoveanu graduated with B.Sc. (1994) and M.Sc. (1995) in Physics from University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Romania. She received Ph.D in Physics (2007) from University of Bucharest, Romania. She is currently a Senior Researcher at the Electron Accelerators Laboratory of the National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucharest, Romania, working on interaction of accelerated electrons and microwaves with complex materials and biological structures. Her expertise in research and development regards treatments of biological systems using electron beam and microwaves for microbial decontamination, biopolymers modification, physicochemical investigation of materials by spectrophotometry and infrared spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography, electron beam dosimetry with cellulose triacetate film, electron spin resonance spectroscopy, and identification methods of irradiated food. Her scientific activity is materialized in more than 30 papers published in scientific journals, 4 book chapters, 1 book related to practical aspects and applications of electron beam irradiation as a co-editor, 9 Proceedings papers and 1 patent registered in Romania. CV   Publications

Daniel Ighigeanu, PhD, Senior Scientific Researcher, 2nd degree

Daniel Ighigeanu He holds MS (1983) and Ph.D (2007) degrees in Electrical Engineering from University “Politehnica” of Bucharest. Since 1999 he works in the Electron Accelerators Laboratory approaching two research directions, namely: - physics and technology of ALIN-10 and ALID-7 electron linear accelerators built in INFLPR, high voltage pulse generators and high power microwave generators and – development of combined irradiation (with electron beams and microwaves) systems and electrotechnologies for environmental protection (removing of toxic compounds from industrial flue gases, treating of waste waters and sludge, bio-wastes sterilization) and materials processing. CV   Publications

Gabriela Craciun, PhD, Senior Scientific Researcher, 3nd degree

Elena Manaila, PhD, Senior Scientific Researcher, 3nd degree

Mihai Oane, PhD , Senior Scientific Researcher, 3nd degree

Dorina Ticos (Toader), PhD student , Scientific Researcher

Mihai Oane has obtained the Master Degree in Nuclear Physics in 1998 at Bucharest University. He obtained the Ph.D. in theoretical laser processing in 2009 with SUMMA CUM LAUDE at Bucharest University under the scientific supervision of Professor Dr. Ion N. Mihailescu. He is with National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics from 2000 to present. He has contributed at about 40 ISI articles, and participated at numerous International conferences and programs. The most significant are: GSI-Darmstadt, Free University from Brussels, CERN-Geneva, Trieste-ICTP-Italy, Denver-SUA and Taipei-Taiwan. In present he is interested about high power lasers interactions with solids and quantum electrodynamics.  He is member of:  "Optical Society of America" and "Optical Society of Korea". CV   Publications

Nicuşor Iacob, PhD student,  Scientific Researcher

Dorina Ticos has graduated in 2006 from the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree with a specialty in Nuclear Physics. Since October 2012 she has been enrolled as a doctoral student at the University of Bucharest. Her PhD thesis is focused on the interaction of dusty plasmas with collimated electron beams. Since 2006 she has been hired by the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucharest and she is currently a junior scientist. She participated in two training courses, “Joint Universities Accelerator School-Accelerator Technologies” in 2005 at CERN where she obtained an ESI Fellowship and “Validation and Process Control for Electron Beam Sterilization” in 2008 at the Technical University of Denmark. Publications

Maria - Luiza Munteanu, PhD,  Scientific Researcher 

Nicoleta Banu, PhD student , Scientific Researcher

Adrian Scurtu, PhD student, Scientific Researcher

Florin Marian, Technician I

Florin Marian attended the courses of  center for nuclear technics  preparation  from IFA (1972-1974). He is specialized in technics of  short high energy  pulses. Also he  followed the metrology course, in 1988.

 Emil Constantin, Technician I

Emil Constantin followed the post secondary electrotechnics course  in 1997. In 2010 he graduated Univ. Hyperion, Faculty of Physics and in 2012 he obtained MSc in material science, from the same University. Since 1997 he has worked in our laboratory and  he is specialized in designing and execution of electrical circuits and in technics of electrical pulses.

Constantin Matei, Engineer

Constantin Matei is graduated Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Precision Mechanics in 1981. Since 1994 he is employed in our laboratory and before now he has gained a rich  experience in designing, execution and fitting of mechanical assemblies and sub-assemblies, needed for the electron accelerators and microwave system,


Ion Cinaru, Technician I

Ion Cinaru graduated the thechnical school for  electrical installations  and  automations in 1981 and followed the course for vacuum technics in our institute. He main work is  maintenance of electron accelerators

Marian Stoicu, Technician I

  CV   Publications

Nicusor Iacob graduated from  University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics in 2002.  Since then he has worked in our laboratory and he was involved in study of interaction of  electron beam and microwave radiation with living systems. Now he is PhD. student and is interested in study of nanoparticles systems with hyperthermia potential. CV   Publications

Research Areas